Due to a being a busy practice, ALL BOOKINGS, CANCELLATIONS AND REARRANGING OF APPOINTMENTS is done via the phone on this number only:
Monday - Thursday between 10am - 2pm
If we are unable to take your call, PLEASE leave a voicemail with your message and phone number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
You are also invited to leave a message for us at the weekend.
Sal is often booked 4-6 weeks in advance for appointments, so please do enquire as soon as you feel you would like to secure an appointment and we will do our very best to accommodate you.
We also operate a waiting list for cancellations.
We respectfully ask for 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment or a fee may be charged - please call us as soon as you know you will be unable to attend so we can pass the appointment slot onto someone else.
General enquiries (not appointments) can be made via email at thewillowclinic42@gmail.com
Find Us
By train: nearest stattions are Shalford or Chilworth, then a short walk
By bus: No 53 or 63 (to Wonersh)
By car: we respectfully ask that clients park considerately as it is a residential road.
Please feel free to park over my driveway (No 42) as the cars on the drive are mine.
We are very grateful for your support and consideration.
Opening Hours
Willow Clinic/Buddha Room Treatment Times:
Monday - 9am - 4pm
Tuesday - 9am - 5pm
Wednesday - 9am - 4pm
Thursday - 8:15am - 10:15am / 12pm - 2pm
Friday - Meditation Classes
Saturday - Akhanda Yoga Class
Follow Us
For free guided meditations on Insight Timer, click here